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About Lauren

Hey there! I'm Lauren...wife to Shawn, mama to baby Dylan and furbaby Bacon, lover of meat and wine, corporate IT maven, organic baby food chef, and local food junkie here in Charlotte, NC!

My quest for a healthier lifestyle started the day I found out I was preggo. Prior to that, I barely gave a second thought to what I ate, and almost prided myself on how much junk I could consume. This is the girl who devised "The Wendy's Diet" in college, convincing my friends that eating exclusively from the Wendy's dollar menu every day was most effective diet ever.

Fast forward to January 2012, and I am with child. The desire to feed that child well was immediate and all-consuming. Suddenly all I wanted to feed her was brain food: avocado, salmon, eggs, veggies. It became an obesession, but also very easy. When I fed her well, I could picture her growing strong and smart...and the handful of times I ate Wendy's, all I could think was "Gah! Sorry baby."

Dylan was born in September 2012, and she's changed us in so many ways. I care about her well-being more than my own...but she needs a healthy mama who's around for the long haul too. I'm lucky my sweet husband is on board with the healthy life, and doesn't mind when I lecture him on BPA-free plastic.


However, I don't want to mislead you. I do not eat 100% organic. Mommy still likes her cocktails. I stopped breastfeeding and Dylan gets formula. I'll never give up bacon. The intent of this blog is never to tell people how they should do things...just to bring you along my journey as I learn about healthier choices and simple switches. I try and live by the 80/20 rule (80% healthy choices, 20% whatever the hell I want). What falls in my 80% and yours may not be the same. I can't wait to hear your ideas and tips as well - I have more to learn from you than you have to learn from me.



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